District Court Judge

25 Years Experience
Dedicated to the Law

Erin Brock for Forsyth County NC District Court Judge

Meet Erin Brock

I am running for District Court Judge because I want to put my 25 years of experience to work for you and your family.  As a parent, attorney, and business owner, I offer not only knowledge of and dedication to the law, but I also bring a unique level of compassion, understanding, life experience and perspective.

I grew up in a military family and I am the oldest of four children. Family, faith, and hard work were at the core of my upbringing. My father flew as a navigator on F-4 fighter jets for the majority of his United States Air Force career. As a result of my father’s career, we moved every 3 years to various Air Force bases in the United States and in Germany and Okinawa. As a result of our frequent moves, I learned the importance of just listening to people. Whether it was making friends in new locations or getting to know new teachers or new swim team coaches, I listened and learned from my vast exposure to various cultures and perspectives.

I went to high school in Okinawa, Japan for the first three years of high school. During that time, I had the opportunity to compete in Tokyo, Japan with my swim team and to perform with my drama club in South Korea but also to get to know the people and culture of Okinawa. I listened and I learned.

My father was transferred to his last Air Force assignment at Norton Air Force Base in California in the summer of my senior year of high school. That was the most difficult move for me. I must admit this is one time in my life where I learned but I did not listen and I am sure that I did not fully appreciate some of the experiences that I had while living there. But, as hard as that move was, I cherish my upbringing as a “military brat”. After my father retired from the Air Force, he became a high school math teacher and my mother continued her career as a middle school English teacher.   That gave me additional perspective as well.  My family was and remains close to each other and I have carried the importance of family, faith, and hard work into my adult life and my practice.

I worked hard.

I have wanted to be a lawyer since I was in the fifth grade.  I worked hard in high school.  Each grade and activity was a step towards my dream.  I went to college at the University of Michigan (GO BLUE) in 1990 and I graduated in 1994. I listened and I learned and my desire to become a lawyer only became stronger.

My favorite place to live growing up as a "military brat" was in the South.  My journey to become a lawyer led me to Wake Forest University for law school.   In 1995, I moved to Winston-Salem to attend Wake Forest University School of Law and this has been my home ever since. I worked throughout high school and college. Law school was no different. I was fortunate to intern in Winston-Salem for the summer after my first year of law school and I continued to work throughout law school. I met so many people and was exposed to so many areas of practice during that summer and in my law school years. I listened and I learned.   I subsequently worked for law firms in Winston-Salem throughout law school and then as an associate attorney at two different firms from August of 1998 until January 1, 2006.

From the moment I started practicing law in district court 25 years ago, I loved it. I loved arguing constitutional and factual issues in criminal law cases. I loved advocating for my clients and their children in family law cases. I loved practicing law in district court because district court is the People’s Court. No other level of court impacts people on so many levels and on the most important parts of their lives – family, children, finances and businesses, individual and constitutional rights, and so many other aspects of one’s life.  I listened and I learned and I gained perspective from clients, attorneys, and judges. My experience, dedication to the law, and passion for advocacy grew over those years.

On January 1, 2006, I opened my law practice, ERIN BROCK P.C., and I have owned and operated my business for the past 18 years. Being a business owner and employer certainly gives me additional perspective and insight, as well as a weird love of math and spreadsheets. Whether you are in court on issues of spousal support, child support, or the value of a business, you want that person in the black robe to understand deductions, depreciation, business valuations and gross income/ordinary business income. I have that understanding and experience as an attorney with 25 years of district court trial experience and with 18 years of owning my law practice.

I live in Clemmons with my husband, Ken, my two sons, Ethan and Evan, and our three dogs, Zeke (thank you Forsyth County Humane Society), Rose (thank you Forsyth County Humane Society) and Littles (thank you AARF).  Ethan is a junior at West Forsyth High School and Evan is an 8th grader at Meadowlark Middle School.  When my husband's daughters, Lindsay and Sydney, are home from college or Madison is visiting in her life post-college,  we are a large raucous family.  I love them with all of my heart and I am extremely proud of all of them. 

My family is a large part of why I am running for District Court Judge. I have loved representing my clients over the years.  I love my business.   But I feel a calling to serve our community.  As a District Court Judge, I can help families in crisis.  How family law cases and criminal cases are handled by our courts impacts our families and our children as well as our safety as a community.  That impact can spread for generations.

If my family, my children, my finances, my livelihood, and my rights were at stake, I would want a judge with  experience, compassion, and dedication to the law. You deserve the same.

25 Years of Experience at Work for You and Your Family

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