District Court Judge

25 Years Experience
Dedicated to the Law

Jon B. Kurtz

I have known Erin professionally for many years and can attest that she is a fine lawyer, well-respected among her peers. Erin cares about her clients and is a strong advocate. Erin has a masterful understanding of the legal issues that a District Court Judge addresses, and she brings with her an objectiveness and a reasonable, balanced mindset that is needed when evaluating complex cases. Erin would make an excellent judge, and she has my full support.

Kenya Thorton,
Community Intervention & Educational Services

We at Community Intervention & Educational Services, would like to formally endorse Erin Brock to take the new open seat of District Court Judge in Forsyth County.  Erin has worked for many years as a strong family and criminal attorney advocating for the individuals and families that she has represented as well as being a respected member in the legal community.  Our agency has worked with her with many cases that are not always easy to sort through.  We trust that if elected she will be fair, considerate, and compassionate but also following the law and doing what’s best for the constituents and the community to keep everyone safe.

David Niblock

Erin Brock is an extremely fine and talented attorney. She has great experience as a practicing lawyer, and she has a thorough knowledge and understanding of our law. She is also a fine person, with great integrity and empathy. Erin is a hard worker, who has the common sense, objectivity and demeanor that will enable her to be an excellent District Court Judge, I wholeheartedly, unequivocally and without reservation endorse her as District Court Judge in Forsyth County.

Monica R. Guy

The District Court of Forsyth County needs judges with experience in complex family law matters.  We need judges who have worked with families before they determine the outcome of family-focused litigation and direct the future of those families.  Erin Brock has spent over 20 years of her professional life guiding, advising, and advocating for parents, spouses, grandparents, and litigants.  I have spent over 20 years in close working-contact with Erin and she is up for the task at hand.  Erin Brock will be a terrific asset to Forsyth County as a District Court Judge.

Elise Morgan Whitley

I wholeheartedly endorse Erin Brock for the position of District Court Judge. With her extensive experience in civil and criminal law, she possesses the necessary knowledge and experience to serve Forsyth County with fairness and dedication. Erin is trustworthy and fair, she says what she means and means what she says. Erin is not only highly knowledgeable in the areas of both civil and criminal law, but she also demonstrates unwavering integrity. I am confident that Erin Brock will be an outstanding District Court Judge and, if elected, be a champion for justice and an asset to our judiciary.

Jones Byrd

Erin has extensive experience in both civil and criminal law, and is a highly-skilled practitioner in both areas. I cannot imagine a more qualified candidate for the bench, given her experience, skill-set, demeanor, and legal acumen.

Bennett D. Rainey

There are a plethora of qualities that go into what makes a good judge. A good judge needs to have the right temperament – one that includes patience, courtesy, punctuality, compassion, dispassion, and courage, among many other traits. Good judges need to know not only the law, but how to apply the law fairly in a host of different cases with different facts and circumstances. A good judge needs to command the respect of her peers and the citizens who appear before her.

Erin Brock has these qualities and more. As a lawyer, Erin has always been a strong advocate for her clients while interacting with her colleagues in a respectful manner. Erin has the intellect, integrity, and experience needed to be an excellent judge. I support Erin Brock for District Court Judge of Forsyth County, North Carolina, as I believe she will perform her duties in a fair, honorable, and impartial manner

25 Years of Experience at Work for You and Your Family

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